
Pelatis Auxiliary

The Pelatis are our dedicated and elegant ladies in pink who generously contribute their time and energy to support the various programs and activities of our local chapter. Their voluntary commitment is a true testament to their passion for service and community, as they actively engage in and enhance our initiatives. Through their involvement, they help ensure the success of our events and the fulfillment of our mission. We deeply value and appreciate their unwavering support, as it plays a crucial role in empowering our chapter and making a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.

Future Iota LeaderS Auxiliary

The FILS (Future Iota Leaders) auxiliary is a dynamic and nurturing group comprised of our young children, whom we are committed to guiding and developing into responsible and productive citizens. Through a wide array of carefully designed programs, workshops, and activities, we provide these future leaders with valuable skills and knowledge that will serve them well throughout their lives. Our goal is to instill in them the principles of leadership, service, and community engagement, ensuring they grow into well-rounded individuals. We offer numerous enriching opportunities that inspire creativity, critical thinking, and a strong sense of social responsibility. By investing in their growth and development, we are shaping the leaders of tomorrow who will continue to carry forward our legacy of excellence and service.

MOI Auxiliary

The MOI (Men of Iota) auxiliary is a distinguished group of men who play an essential role in supporting and advancing the mission of our chapter. These men, who are either relatives or significant others of the ladies within our organization, stand as pillars of strength and encouragement, contributing their time, resources, and talents to our cause. They are actively involved in our initiatives, providing valuable assistance that helps us achieve our goals and make a lasting impact in the community. The Men of Iota embody a spirit of camaraderie and dedication, working alongside us to ensure the success of our programs and events. Their unwavering support not only strengthens our chapter but also enriches the bonds within our organization, making them invaluable partners in our journey toward excellence.