Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.

Far Western Region

Region Established: 1946

Geography Today:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado,  Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.

First Chapters Chartered:
Alpha Omicron (Denver, CO) – established 1940; Alpha Phi Los Angeles, established 1945 were the first chapters of the FWR region.

Region Highlights:

  • Host to nine anniversary conventions of the membership (1949 Los Angeles, CA – Alpha Phi, 1955 Denver, CO – Alpha Omicron, 1962 Seattle, WA- Beta Kappa, 1970 Oakland, CA- Beta Mu, 1976 Denver, CO – Beta Nu, 1987 Fresno, CA – Gamma Eta, 1997 Los Angeles, CA – Gamma Mu, 2007 San Francisco, CA – Gamma Nu, 2017 Long Beach, CA - Gamma Mu).

Home of two White Rose Queens:

  • A. Lucille Reynolds, 9th National President. Alpha Phi Chapter

  • E. Grace Payne, 15tt National President, Gamma Mu Chapter

A. Lucille Reynolds

A. Lucille Reynolds

E. Grace Payne

E. Grace Payne


History of the Far Western Region

The Far Western Region of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. consists of thirteen states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming), which constitute the Sorority's largest geographic region.  There are currently chapters in five far western states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada and Washington).   The Far West mostly comprises arid to semi-arid plateaus and plains and forested mountains, deserts as well as coastal areas. It is the largest geographic region of the United States.

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The natural beauty of the western states run a range  from majestic snow-capped mountains, rolling hills, fertile green valleys, scenic vistas, magnificent sea coasts, enchanting  deserts, exotic tropical islands and frozen natural glaciers to buttes, mesas and plateaus, charming old towns, rambling ranches, historic mansions, bustling-cosmopolitan cities and everything in between.  

The Beginning 

Originally, our Constitution designated four regions, North, South, East and West.  A Revision of the Constitution in 1946 increased the number of regions to; Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, Southwestern and Far Western and designated the states to be included in each.  

The First Graduate Chapters 

There were two graduate chapters, Alpha Omicron, Denver, Colorado and Alpha Phi, Los Angeles, California, when the region was established in 1946.  The sorors of the Far Western Region set to work recruiting friends, neighbors and business women to join with them to serve their local communities.  In 1948 four additional chapters joined our sisterhood in the Far Western Region: Portland, Oregon (Beta Iota), Seattle, Washington (Beta Kappa), Oakland, California (Beta Mu) and a second chapter was chartered in Denver, Colorado (Beta Nu)

As the sisterhood continued to grow, Beta Tau established in 1949, Gamma Eta in 1956 and a new chapter Gamma Mu were established in 1961 in Los Angeles, California.

Gamma Nu, San Francisco, California, Gamma Xi, Pasadena, California, Gamma Psi and Gamma Chi, were the last chapters to be established  in the 60’s Far Western Region.

In 2017, the Far Western Chartered Zeta Beta Chapter , Eastvale, California at 88th National Convention in Long Beach, California.  The Far Western Region made Black History in 2020 by virtually chartering the Zeta Kappa Chapter in Phoenix, Arizona.

Now the FWR has done it again by charting the first graduate chapter in Las Vegas, NV on October 7, 2022. The newest chapter to join the ranks of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is Zeta Sigma Chapter and we can’t be more proud!!

On December 15, 2022, the Far Western Region charter another chapter in AZ the Zeta Tau Chapter of San Tan Valley, AZ.

The Far Western Region also has Sorors in New Mexico and Hawaii.